what is this?

Wescam lets seniors find other students on campus and other students find seniors. With the addition of supercrushes, underclassmen are also able to find a few other underclassmen as well. Add usernames of people you want to meet up with (they don't need to already have a Wescam account) and if you both add each other, you'll be simultaneously notified!

One other thing: If someone adds you and you haven't added them, you both have the opportunity to anonymously message the other person to find out more about each other. We'll also give the other person a fake username so that you can identify them easily in your conversations. So you can ask them whether you're both in the same class or how they know you. Then you can try to add them to see if you've guessed correctly!

who's behind this?

Wescam was started in 1998 by Jesse Vincent (original link). Wescam 2010 was conceived and developed by two Wesleyan students, Vernon Thommeret '10 and, Carlo Francisco '11 who then went on to rebuild Wescam from the ground up for 2011. Diego Calderon '13 ran things in 2013. Justin Raymond '14 ran things in 2014. Sam Giagtzoglou '16 ran things in 2015 and went on to rebuild Wescam and develop a new iOS app with Brandon Baker '18 in 2016. Brandon Baker also ran Wescam in 2018. Emma Freeman '19 ran it in 2019. Nathanael Mathieu '20' and Caroline Bhupathi '20 ran it in 2020. Rafael Goldstein '21 and Ben Bushnell '21 ran it in 2021. Daniel Knopf '22, Nalu Tripician '22, and Isabel Wrubel '22 ran it in 2022. Stanley Markman '23 ran it in 2023. Trey Plante and Ebuka Akubilo are running it now.

how do supercrushes work?

Every user starts with 1 supercrush. Supercrushes allow you to add any student, even if you are not a senior. When you use a supercrush, the other person will automatically see your year and pronouns as well as a special icon indicating that the crush was a supercrush. However, even when use a supercrush, we will still give you a fake username until you match with the other person. If someone uses a supercrush to add you, you do not have to use a supercrush to add them back.

Additionally: You can earn more supercrushes. For every 7 people you correctly guess and add back, you will earn an additional supercrush.

how do reports and blocks work?

If you ever feel uncomfortable talking to any of your crushers or crushees on wescam, you can immediately block them to stop all communication over wescam. Additionally, if you feel like something a user sends you violates our site's terms and conditions, you can report the conversation and we will review it and take any necessary action as soon as possible. Please note, abuse of the reporting system may result in suspension or termination of your account, and once you block a user, there is no way to unblock them.

what are the rules?

Any student on campus can sign up. Seniors can add anyone, and anyone can add seniors, but for anyone who isn't a senior to add anyone else who also isn't a senior, you have to use a supercrush.

can you see the matches?

As the maintainers of the site, we have the ability to see matches in our database. But we won't. It's important enough to us that people feel comfortable using the site, so we won't look at the matches and we won't give anyone else access to the site. Once senior week is over, we'll wipe the data. We may publish anonymous data like how many people are signed up or how many matches have been made, but never any personally identifiable data.

why am I not getting email notifications?

If you have been active on the site in the past 5 minutes you won't receieve emails so we don't spam you. If you're still not getting any then check your spam folder and mark emails from info@wescam.me as not spam. Additionally, our first email to you may take 30-60 minutes due to Wesleyan's greylisting. For immediate results, keep the page open and check back occasionally.

why am I not listed as the proper year?

If for some reason you're a first term senior this semester (graduating winter 2022), you are listed in the Wesleyan directory as class of 2023, so there's no way for us to know you should be labeled as a senior. Please email one of us so we can manually adjust your year for you.

who pays for wescam?

There are lots of expenses related to wescam, including paying for the domain, email server, and hosting for such a big app. Right now those expenses are paid out of pocket by the current students running it. If you enjoy having wescam and want to express your gratitude by helping us pay the running costs, Venmo a few bucks to @Trey-Plante.

how can I contact you?

Send Trey, or Ebuka an email.